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  4. Palpite do dia, is a vibrant hub for all prediction enthusiasts. We offer an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows our community members to easily share their 'palpites' and engage with others.
  5. Ta publication n'est pas passée inaperçue. (Garde aussi espoir)
  6. Salut à tous, C'est avec un peu de nostalgie et une amère sensation de désarroi que je viens aujourd'hui poster un nouveau topic sur ce vénérable forum. En effet, et cela est un secret pour personne, l'état actuel de Halo INFINITE, et de la licence en général, est plus que déprimant. C'est un sujet que j'aborde dans ma récente vidéo sur l'opération Honneur Paria et je souhaitais créer ce topic afin d'ouvrir une discussion sur le sujet et partager ma peine sur la situation. Ceux qui me connaissent savent que je suis un fan hardcore de la licence, et un créateur relativement actif (et probablement un des seuls, si ce n'est le seul encore actif aujourd'hui, a mon grand dam ) Jeu extrêmement porteur d'espoir au vu de son teaser en 2018, INFINITE s'est vu enchainer les déceptions aux fil du temps: -Une sortie chaotique, avec énormément de contenu manquant (armes, forge, modes, playlist, coop, et...) La liste est (très) longue. -Les affres du jeu vidéo dit "moderne" qui ont détruit le potentiel et l'intérêt du jeu (modèle économique, jeu-service, battle pass,, des cosmétiques horribles qui détruisent la DA et l'immersion en jeu, paywall, etc... -Une campagne qui bien que sympathique au demeurant, n'est pas a la hauteur d'un jeu Halo (Absence du lore du Halo Zeta alors que c'était le lieu à ne pas louper, une occasion foiré de revoir le Parasite, open world qui rend la campagne extrêmement redondante et répétitive, l'absence de diversité environnementale, pourtant importante dans un jeu Halo, une histoire plate, sans réel intérêt qui ne donne pas vraiment les information attendues sur la tournure de l'histoire et des quêtes secondaires qui sont au mieux, un passe temps, au pire, un remplissage bas de gamme et répétitif pour donner un semblant de durée de vie...) Et n'oublions pas aussi les nombreux downgrades qu'a subit le jeu au cours de ses deux ans et demi de vie comme la suppression des saisons, bien plus qualitatives et intéressantes que les opérations, qui ne sont ni plus ni moins que des updates de la boutique, je ne parle même pas de l'abandon de la scénarisation saisonnière de l'académie, qui était le dernier élément narratif que le jeu possédait et qui offrait au multi un plus non négligeable, le retrait de l'option de customiser librement nos couleur et nos emblèmes... (sérieusement, c'est de l'évolution ça) 6 ans d'attente pour cela et une communication officielle qui se résume au minimum syndical (et encore) qui aura été du début à la fin digne de l'amateurisme et totalement contre productive car impossible avec cette dernière d'entretenir l'intérêt de la communauté sur le jeu et dans lequel les développeurs semble dans le déni le plus complet quand à l'état pitoyable d'une licence qui semble aujourd'hui n'être plus que l'ombre d'elle même... Vraiment difficile de ne pas dire que c'était mieux avant et je dois dire que j'ai du mal a comprendre ceux qui défendent les points précédemment cités. Alors certes, INFINITE reste un jeu qui possède une Forge et un gameplay qui sont à mon sens les meilleurs que la licence ai jamais connu, mais cela ne suffit pas à maintenir le jeu... Je ne peut qu'être totalement dépité de ce qu'est aujourd'hui la licence et la communauté Halo qui auparavant était si active et florissante, cela me crève le cœur de ne quasiment plus voir de créations, d'évènements communautaires, , les chroniques communautaires et autres évènements majeurs comme la Forge communautaire, les Halo Actus, les HaloWards, le Halo des Artistes et le concours Fort Runner qui démontrait une communauté incroyablement active en terme de création ne sont plus que d'anciens souvenirs... Il n'y a également quasiment plus de cartes forgés, de Machinimas, montage de clips, etc... L'activité sur ce Forum manque également énormément. L'absence de nouvelles traductions de romans est également un supplice car nous sommes privés d'incroyables histoires, je ne peut également pas m'empêcher de faire une petite mention à l'horrible et honteuse série de Paramount, cette hérésie aura été un clou en plus sur le cercueil de la licence en crachant littéralement sur nombre des symboles et principes de la licence, en ne respectant pas le lore, et en fessant péter un plomb aux fans qui ont vu la licence défiguré par cette dernière qui aurait pourtant été une belle occasion de voir une série respectueuse et canon qui aurait été la bienvenu cette période difficile... mais bon, pas envie de m'étendre sur cette dernière. Cela étant, malgré la tournure Ô combien défaitiste de mon topic et l'amertume qui est en moi quand je vois où on en est aujourd'hui, je reste convaincu que le licence et la communauté ont de beaux jours devant eux, que tout n'est pas perdu, il appartient aussi à nous, créateurs et autres membres actifs de la communauté de continuer à faire vivre l'univers. J'espère et j'ai hâte de retrouver un jour cette activité et cet esprit communautaire, les évènements qui me manquent tant et un jeu qui saura nous faire vibre comme à l'époque. Qui sait peut être que les déboires de Halo INFINITE permettront a 343i/Microsoft de prendre conscience des choses et de faire en sorte que les choses rentre dans l'ordre. En tout cas, je ne peut que comprendre le fait que beaucoup d'entre nous aient laissé tomber et moi même j'avoue qu'il est parfois dur de garder la motivation, mais j'espère que ce n'est que partie remise. Je ne peut que remercier les personnes qui continuent encore aujourd'hui d'œuvrer pour la pérennité de l'activité communautaire sur Halo, que ce soit les membres du Staff qui nous fournissent les news, les gars du Wiki qui nous permettent d'avoir des fans trads, notamment avec les chroniques Waypoint qui sortent en ce moment, mais aussi touts les créateurs de la commu qui sortent à l'occasion un peu de contenu communautaire. Voila voila pour ce petit topic, qui malgré tout m'aura apporté le plaisir d'a nouveau utiliser ce forum comme au bon vieux temps . Gardez espoir, même si c'est compliqué, VIVE HALO!
  7. Beyond skins resembling the Master Chief, some have ventured further to create a special Halo mod for Minecraft, resulting in a highly impressive outcome. It's worth a visit for fans of both franchises, offering a unique experience akin to what Smite does within Minecraft.
  8. Pour réussir dans n'importe quel domaine, il est important de rester à jour avec les nouvelles technologies. Par exemple récemment, j'ai découvert un article sur qui parlait des avancées dans la technologie PDF. À mon avis, cela pourrait simplifier notre travail avec les documents et le rendre plus efficace.
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  11. Bonjour, concernant Halo Infinite, contexte : j’ai finis plusieurs saisons et opérations et je voulais du coup continuer d’autres que je n’avais pas encore finit comme ÉCHOS INTÉRIEURS. jusqu’à maintenant, quand j’ avais finit une saison en cours, je pouvais changer et en choisir une ancienne pour la continuer. Mais je ne vois plus de case à cocher pour en sélectionner une autre. question : peut on toujours le faire ? J’ai l’impression que non 🙄 j’ai pas trouvé de sujet de forum qui parle de ça. Désolé si il y en a déjà un. merci !
  12. MasterOakCo transcends its label as merely a brand; it is an endless wellspring of inspiration where each element of wooden decor or furniture embodies exceptional craftsmanship and a profound love for handmade artistry. Our artisans meticulously attend to every detail, ensuring that each work of art exudes a distinctive warmth and creativity. At MasterOakCo, our craftsmen are not just skilled artisans; they are guardians of tradition and ambassadors of creativity. With an acute eye for detail and an innate understanding of their craft, they breathe life into raw materials, shaping them into exquisite works of art that radiate authenticity and character. Whether it's a delicately carved motif, an intricately designed furniture piece, or a bespoke sculpture, each creation bears a unique touch that reflects our dedication to craftsmanship and creativity. The process of crafting each masterpiece begins with the careful selection of premium wood, sourced from sustainable forests renowned for their quality and durability. Guided by a deep respect for nature's bounty, our craftsmen harness the innate beauty of the wood's grain, allowing it to inform and shape the design of each piece. Through a harmonious fusion of traditional techniques and modern innovations, they infuse the material with life, coaxing out its inherent warmth and personality. Every stage of the crafting process is executed with precision and care, as our artisans labor diligently to ensure that every aspect is refined to perfection. From the initial conceptualization and design phase to the final finishing touches, each step is imbued with a sense of passion and dedication that resonates in the finished product. It is this unwavering commitment to excellence that sets MasterOakCo apart, elevating our creations from mere objects to cherished works of art. Beyond craftsmanship lies a deeper connection – a shared love for the art of woodworking and an innate appreciation for the beauty of natural materials. This shared passion serves as the cornerstone of our community, uniting artisans and enthusiasts in a collective celebration of creativity and craftsmanship. Furthermore, at MasterOakCo, we understand the importance of personalization. Therefore, we offer bespoke services tailored to the unique preferences and specifications of our discerning clientele. Whether it's a custom-designed furniture piece to complement a specific space or a personalized carving to commemorate a special occasion, our craftsmen collaborate closely with clients to bring their vision to life, ensuring that each creation is as unique as the individual for whom it is crafted. In essence, MasterOakCo is more than just a brand; it is a testament to the enduring allure of craftsmanship and creativity. With an unwavering commitment to quality, authenticity, and innovation, we continue to inspire and enchant our patrons with our timeless creations, each bearing the unmistakable imprint of warmth and creativity that defines the MasterOakCo experience.
  13. MasterOakCo transcends its label as merely a brand; it serves as an inexhaustible wellspring of inspiration, where every aspect of wooden decor or furniture serves as a testament to exceptional craftsmanship and a deep appreciation for handmade artistry. Within the essence of MasterOakCo lies an unwavering commitment to meticulous attention to detail, as our craftsmen invest their expertise and passion into every facet, resulting in creations that emanate a distinct blend of warmth and creativity. At MasterOakCo, our craftsmen are not merely skilled artisans; they are custodians of tradition and champions of creativity. With a discerning eye for detail and an innate understanding of their craft, they embark on a journey to breathe life into raw materials, transforming them into exquisite works of art that exude authenticity and character. Whether it's a delicately carved motif, an intricately designed furniture piece, or a bespoke sculpture, each creation bears a unique touch that radiates warmth and ingenuity. The process of crafting each masterpiece begins with the careful selection of premium wood, sourced from sustainable forests renowned for their quality and durability. Guided by a deep respect for nature's bounty, our craftsmen harness the innate beauty of the wood's grain, allowing it to inform and shape the design of each piece. Through a harmonious fusion of traditional techniques and modern innovations, they imbue the material with life, coaxing out its inherent warmth and personality. Every stage of the crafting process is executed with precision and care, as our artisans labor diligently to ensure that every aspect is refined to perfection. From the initial conceptualization and design phase to the final finishing touches, each step is imbued with a sense of passion and dedication that resonates in the finished product. It is this unwavering commitment to excellence that sets MasterOakCo apart, elevating our creations from mere objects to cherished works of art. Beyond the realm of craftsmanship lies a deeper connection – a shared love for the art of woodworking and an innate appreciation for the beauty of natural materials. This shared passion serves as the cornerstone of our community, uniting artisans and enthusiasts in a collective celebration of creativity and craftsmanship. Furthermore, at MasterOakCo, we recognize the importance of personalization. Hence, we offer bespoke services tailored to the unique preferences and specifications of our discerning clientele. Whether it's a custom-designed furniture piece to complement a specific space or a personalized carving to commemorate a special occasion, our craftsmen collaborate closely with clients to bring their vision to life, ensuring that each creation is as unique as the individual for whom it is crafted. In essence, MasterOakCo embodies more than just a brand; it is a testament to the enduring allure of craftsmanship and creativity. With an unwavering commitment to quality, authenticity, and innovation, we continue to inspire and captivate our patrons with our timeless creations, each bearing the unmistakable imprint of warmth and creativity that defines the MasterOakCo experience.
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  16. Look no further than Tastysticks! We're your ultimate destination for all things Heets, offering a diverse selection of flavors and options to satisfy every palate. At Tastysticks, we understand the importance of variety and quality, which is why we pride ourselves on curating an extensive range of Heets flavors. Whether you're into the rich and robust taste of classic tobacco, the refreshing burst of menthol, or the fruity essence of exotic blends, we have something to suit every preference. Our website is designed with your convenience in mind, making it effortless for you to explore our Heets collection, discover new flavors, and make hassle-free purchases. With just a few clicks, you can browse through our product categories, read detailed descriptions, and select the perfect Heets for your IQOS device.
  17. Looking for a convenient way to purchase your favorite IQOS Heets products? Look no further than Tastysticks! As a premier online retailer specializing in Heets, we offer an extensive range of flavors and options to cater to every taste. At Tastysticks, we understand that discerning customers seek quality and variety, which is why we take pride in providing a diverse selection of Heets flavors. Whether you prefer classic tobacco blends, refreshing menthol, or fruity options, we have something for everyone. Our user-friendly website makes it effortless for customers to browse through our collection and find their desired Heets products. With just a few clicks, you can explore different flavors, view product details, and make secure purchases from the comfort of your own home. Not only do we prioritize offering high-quality Heets products, but we also prioritize exceptional customer service. From prompt order processing to timely delivery, we strive to ensure that every customer has a seamless shopping experience with us. At Tastysticks, we're committed to meeting the needs of IQOS users worldwide by providing top-notch products and service. Discover the convenience of shopping for Heets online with Tastysticks today!
  18. Tomas29


    Sticks7 is an e-commerce platform specializing in an array of IQOS devices and accessories, particularly focusing on HEETS. Our inventory boasts a diverse selection of HEETS flavors, ranging from menthol and tobacco to fruit options. With a user-friendly website, navigating through our offerings is effortless, allowing customers to seamlessly browse and purchase their preferred products. At Sticks7, we take pride in delivering high-quality items and exceptional customer service, ensuring prompt delivery of orders. With competitive pricing and a dedication to customer satisfaction, Sticks7 has solidified its position as a dependable provider of HEETS and other IQOS-related merchandise.
  19. In the realm of modern tobacco consumption, IQOS has emerged as a sophisticated alternative to traditional smoking methods. At Sticks7, we're dedicated to enhancing your IQOS journey by offering a premium selection of HEETS sticks, meticulously crafted to deliver an exceptional smoking experience. Explore a Diverse Range of Flavors HEETS are specially designed tobacco sticks crafted to complement your IQOS device, ensuring a consistent and satisfying taste with every puff. At Sticks7, we offer a comprehensive range of HEETS flavors, carefully curated to cater to diverse preferences. From the rich and robust flavor of Amber to the refreshing menthol sensation of Turquoise, there's a HEETS variant to suit every palate. Uncompromising Quality Assurance At Sticks7, we uphold the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship. Each HEETS stick undergoes stringent testing and quality control measures to ensure optimal performance and flavor consistency. We source premium tobacco blends and utilize advanced manufacturing processes to produce HEETS sticks that meet our exacting standards for excellence. Convenient Shopping Experience Shopping for HEETS at Sticks7 is a breeze. Our user-friendly website allows you to effortlessly browse our extensive collection of flavors and make your selection with ease. With secure payment options and expedited delivery services, getting your hands on your favorite HEETS sticks is convenient and hassle-free. Plus, our dedicated customer support team is available to assist you with any queries or concerns. Elevate Your Smoking Ritual Today Ready to elevate your IQOS experience with HEETS from Sticks7? Explore our range of flavors and embark on a journey of refined tobacco enjoyment. Whether you're a seasoned IQOS user or new to heated tobacco, HEETS promises to redefine your smoking ritual with its exceptional flavor and quality. Choose Sticks7 for Premium HEETS Join the countless satisfied customers who have made Sticks7 their preferred destination for HEETS sticks. With our unwavering commitment to quality, convenience, and customer satisfaction, we strive to provide an unparalleled shopping experience that exceeds expectations. Visit our website today and discover the difference with HEETS from Sticks7.
  20. Hif24 functions as an online platform devoted to supplying a broad selection of IQOS merchandise, particularly HEETS, to customers worldwide. Prioritizing customer satisfaction, the company ensures a seamless shopping experience facilitated by a user-friendly website and secure payment options. Hif24 is renowned for its competitive pricing and premium-quality products, establishing itself as a preferred destination for consumers seeking alternatives to traditional cigarettes. The company's dedication to providing excellent customer service and ensuring timely delivery has solidified its reputation as a dependable and trustworthy source for IQOS products. In summary, Hif24 is a reputable entity catering to the needs of customers seeking innovative smoking solutions.
  21. Tomas29


    Hif24 operates as an online destination committed to supplying a diverse array of IQOS products, specifically HEETS, to customers worldwide. With a primary goal of ensuring customer satisfaction, the company provides a seamless shopping experience through its user-friendly platform and secure payment methods. Hif24 is renowned for its competitive pricing and superior product quality, positioning it as a preferred choice for consumers seeking alternatives to traditional cigarettes. The company's dedication to delivering exceptional customer service and prompt delivery has established it as a reliable and trustworthy provider of IQOS products. Overall, Hif24 is a reputable entity meeting the needs of customers seeking innovative smoking solutions.
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  23. In a world where vascular disease is becoming increasingly prevalent, our center offers integrated approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention, providing you with the utmost care and support on your journey to healthy blood vessels. Professional Expertise At AngioLife, we are proud of our team of highly qualified experts, which includes physicians with years of experience in vascular medicine. Our experts are constantly updating their skills and keeping abreast of the latest medical developments to provide you with the best possible care. Modern Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment Our center is equipped with advanced medical equipment that allows us to accurately diagnose vascular diseases and develop individualized treatment plans for each patient. We offer a wide range of treatments, including medications, interventional interventions and surgical procedures. Individualized Approach We understand that every patient is unique, which is why we take an individualized approach to each case. Our physicians carefully assess a patient's condition and develop personalized treatment plans, taking into account their unique needs and preferences. Prevention and Lifestyle At AngioLife, we believe that prevention is the key to maintaining vascular health. That's why we provide our patients with healthy lifestyle recommendations, including proper nutrition, regular exercise and avoidance of unhealthy habits. Caring for Patients Your comfort and satisfaction is our primary goal. We strive to provide each patient with care and support throughout their treatment, creating a friendly and supportive atmosphere at our center. Contact Us If you have vascular concerns or just want a preventive checkup, contact AngioLife Vascular Center. We are here to help you on your path to healthy and strong blood vessels by providing you with quality and professional medical care. Choose AngioLife Vascular Center for your Vascular Care and Health!
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  27. Tomas29


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