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Messages posté(e)s par Hellbringer

  1. Bon les mecs calmez vous direct jai pas envi que ca repart en sucette! reglez ca ailleurs.

    Hell you never play NTSC? or only few times?

    Yes i played ntsc,but my modded xbox is broke,so i cant play no ntsc untill i get a new dvd for my modded box.

  2. One time I played somebody on PAL on Wizard, after that he said : "And I tought Hellbringer and Q were elites :? " haha

    Xbc hosting means alot,doenst it? :roll:

    Its also funny how you say it "one time" haha

    Ps,who said that?Cause i cant remember a beatin on wizard when i was playing with Q....

  3. Quelqu'un qui as le temp, ou parle anglais pourais lui dire que se qu'il a dit est con et interdit de ma part au pire. Généraliser c'est pas bien!

    Take it easy pal,im just joking.

    But still...its true. :lol:

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